Home Events Upreneur, 2021

Upreneur, 2021


1). The participation fee has been finalized at Rs 1500/ – per team. Each team will have maximum 4 members. Each of the members must be a current student and should carry Photo ID Card / Letter from the Head of the Institute with their names and photo pasted on it.

2) (i) There will be maximum number of 20 teams who will be participating. They will have to register their names along with participation fee on or before February 4,2022. The registration can be done online. Details on the same can be obtained from CBS / CMA website.

(ii) A particular Institute can participate with maximum 2 teams, but each team will have to register separately paying Rs 1500/- per team

(iii)  After registration, each of the teams shall submit a title/ topic/ idea and a short write up of one A4 Size page in a sealed envelope using their Institute Seal . The envelopes will be opened in front of the panel of judges on the day of the event.

(iv) The last date of submission of the write up is February 8,2020. The topic should not cover any religious / sexual / political idea.

(v) Each team will present the submitted topic either in PPT Mode or in the form of presentation Mode. The time allotted for each team is 7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Question/ Answer Session.

3) (i) From this, 6 teams will move to the 2nd Round

(ii)  In the 2nd round, the participant(s) will present the same topic. They will elaborate on the idea which they presented in the first round.

(iii)  The time schedule will be 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Question/Answer Session

4) (i)  From this, 3 teams will finally qualify for the FINAL ROUND

(ii) Each of these 3 teams will be given 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Question/Answer Session

(iii) The presentation should cover the following points:

a)  Feasibility Study

b)  Estimated Budget for 3 years

c)  Impact on Environment and Society

5)  The last date of Registration has been decided to be February 4, 2022


12 02 2022


8:00 am - 6:00 pm



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Award Nomination Form

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